Sunday 18 February 2018

9 Weeks To Go...

9 weeks to go!

So last night I experienced my first sober night out.

As soon as I started training I said to myself, no more alcohol until I run through that finish line.

I’m basically all or nothing, as you can probably tell.

I haven’t really struggled too much, maybe only on a Friday after a stressful week I do fancy a nice glass of wine (wow I am sounding like an alcoholic here).

Back to last night. Watching 15 drunk people on a night out is not actually as bad as it sounds.

It did make me realise I don’t need five gin and tonics on a night out.

However, the only time I was like get home was at 3.30am when everyone was sitting in one of those McDonald’s type restaurants (can they even be called restaurants?) watching everyone eat there alcohol consumption.

Wow, that is an experience! If you love people watching that is a number one place to go.

I got home at 4.45am. I genuinely think I deserve a medal.

Anyway, when I woke up this morning  reading my girls group ‘Omg I’m so hungover’, ‘wow my head hurts’ and ‘someone get me food’ I just sat there laughing (sorry girls).

Back to running. Annoyingly, I am injured at the moment having pulled my hamstring, so I am slightly behind where I wanted to be.

Having ran my longest distance last week - 11 miles, I do hope to be back on the roads this week and fingers crossed I get to run a half marathon.

First sober night out, and back to training I go....only 9 weeks to go, please have a look at my page.
and read about the amazing charity I will be running the marathon for, I will appreciate any sponsorships.

Thursday 1 February 2018

81 Days To Go...

So, nearly 80 days to go to the big day.

When people ask me how I’m feeling, I don’t know what to say. Firstly? because I NEVER talk about my feelings and secondly, because I’m absolutely shitting myself!

Thousands of thoughts, and questions go through my mind, where do I go if I need the toilet? What happens if my tummy starts rumbling and I’m feeling a little peckish? What happens if I get caught by BBC and they decide to interview me? So if anyone has these answers please let me know!

Last weekend, I ran two of my longest distances yet, nearly 12 miles.

My run on Saturday consisted of running to brunch. Knowing that there’s a big skinny cappuccino, shakshuka and some great company (shout out to Shelley), really helps.

On Sunday, it was girlfriend duties. I ran to watch a group of Essex boys play Jewish football. This didn’t quite have the same impact as the previous day,

Annoyingly I have been ill this week so running has been off the schedule. I never thought the day would come that I’d actually be excited to go out in the cold and start running again.

Anyways, I would really appreciate any donations, I am running for the most amazing cause! Please have a read of my page to find out for yourselves! Xx